Monday, September 19, 2016


Headed to Moustache brewing Company this past Saturday.  The plan was to shoot the breeze with other beer geeks and grab a 4-pack of Proton, a juicy double IPA and their first canned release.

As I waited on line, I witnessed many people leaving with their allowed case.  My competitive nature got the better of me.

Proton is the first in their Atomic Series and features Simcoe, Azacca and Lemon Drop hops.

At 8.5% ABV it's considered a double but this is where I vacillate a bit.  I mean, I drink a shit ton of Firestone Walker Union Jack which they call an IPA but clocks in at 7.5%

Is the difference between a "single" IPA and a "double" really only 1%?


Moustache has a fine history of making kick-ass IPAs (Sailor Mouth being my current favorite) so I really looked forward to having this.

They had this on tap but sipping it from a little 10oz. plastic cup seemed to do it a disservice. I couldn't wait to try it at home.

Once safely ensconced in my lair, I poured it into a Sam Adams, 1/2 liter Oktoberfest mug.  Why? Because it held the entire thing in one pour, that's why!

Don't be a glassware Nazi.

It pours a dark hay with a decent, pillowy head.

Much piney resin in the nose.  Maybe a tad marmaladey.  Nicely dank, skuny, skanky and funky!  My favorite type of unbalanced, hop-forward bravado!

Now, I know you all are beer geeks like me so I'm not going to wade into all the crap about IBUs and the malt bill or any of that.  Suffice it to say:

If you like IPAs, you will like this beer.

Get out there and get you some!  There might be a few left!


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