Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Beer Therapy (and not what you think...)

So, my day was pretty shitty.

In a nutshell: some asshole supervisor (thankfully not mine but someone in a parallel position to my own boss) decides to pull some passive-aggressive bullshit.  It steams me and ruins my mood for the day. I am off-kilter from the moment the workday starts.

I am then stuck doing specialty exams for the entire day. Exams that, by their nature, offer a unique form of aggravation and hemorrhoidal irritation.  They are non-stop and I feel I've been ridden hard and put away wet (and not in a good way).

I need beer therapy.

After walking my dog (which helps a little), I stop off @BellportBeer (my favorite distro) for some liquid salvation.  Upon entering Dave gives me the usual hearty salutation, pauses and then says,

"What's the matter?  You look..."
"On edge?" I finish.

It's as if  an expert psychotherapist, a seasoned bartender and AC/DC's Brian Johnson had a torrid three-way and produced Dave as their love child.

He lets me bitch and rant and drop Eff Bombs while adding his own criticisms about the devolution of the English language (we briefly ponder the etymology of "Not fer nuthin'!") and a decidely pro- Y-Chromo stance on why arguing with women is useless (I agree).  I rage and stalk the aisles as he fills my growler.

I pay and prepare to leave with my haul (growler of @FirestonWalker #UnionJack, @stbcbeer Unearthly bombah, and @dogfishbeer Palo Santo Marron) Dave says something like,

"There!  Now you feel much better, don't you?"

It was true.  I got a happy ending and it didn't even involve a Thai masseuse.

All this to say that people like Dave, members of your community, owners of stores and shops and restos that you go to on a regular basis, are invaluable.  Yes, they sell you the shit you need and want but, if you're a regular, they also know when your mojo is askew and how, almost precisely, to right the ship.

If you don't have a Cheers- like thing going for you, if there isn't a place where everybody knows you name, start making one.  Whether it's a barber, bartender, barista, or a Bellport Dave, you need them more than you know...

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