Sunday, February 28, 2016

It's All In The Delivery.

I recently scored some @finbackbrewery Oscillation 003.  Being a good little beer geek, I poured the 8.5% into my Dogfish Head Signature glass (my go-to for "imperial IPAs" and the like).  The beer was redolent with grapefruit and bright pine notes. A thoroughly enjoyable drinking experience.

But then I had the ugly task of calling my auntie.  She's the type of lady who doesn't take "no" for an answer and is convinced she is doing me a favor as she is well connected at a major City hospital. (We'll leave it at that).  Suffice it to say, I needed volumes of my favorite IPA delivered to my gullet... STAT!

I ditched the signature glass and and loaded a good, ol' fashioned shaker pint with @FirestoneWalker #UnionJack.  At 7.5% one might think that the signature glass might be the proper glassware.  Or perhaps a Spiegelau IPA glass.  But there comes a time where you have to say, "Fuck it." and realize that you want your IPA delivered to you in as speedy (and familiar way) as possible.

I have felled many (and The Rock means "MANY") Union Jack (ranked #1 on @Untappd for consumption) so there's no need for the delicate deconstruction of the beer nor the careful scrutiny of the flavor profile.  I am initmately familiar with it, I likes that shit and it likes me.  So, in this case, the proper glassware is the humble shaker pint!

Do you guys remember being in college when you pounded Busch Light poured haphazardly into shitty, plastic cups?  Those things didn't break when you dropped them or threw them at the shitty band booked by your fraternity's social chair. Remember how special you felt when you used actual glassware?  And that "glass" was the ubiquitous shaker pint.

In this day and age, where #craftbeer has jumped the shark and "afficionados" and "advocates" alike scrutinize glassware, serving temps and food pairings, remember this:

Beer is your friend.

It doesn't care what it's served in.  It only wants to make you happy.

So dump all the pretense and get that tasty goodness into your maw.  Drink it from a mason jar, a pint glass or your enemy's hollowed-out skull.  It doesn't matter.

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